(Deluxe Class, $9.99, 2007)
Scorponok was one of the very last figures I got before my addiction died out, and it was not a good way to go out. Even now, I had the feeling that Michael Bay's movieverse aesthetic was ugly, and this guy was among the worst of the new batch. Could you tell that this squirt transformed from a gas tank? I didn't think so. Hours were spent trying to figure out his stupid little spinning trick, and it never worked unless you used your hands. Overall, he's a bad figure with a bad gimmick, with play value derived almost entirely from imagination. In otherwords, he's your average children's toy.
This guy would definitely fit the mold of the team pet. A naive animal in both modes, Scorponok would be constantly clawing and/or gnawing at people, places and things. This hunger for violence would make him an ideal attack dog, set off by throwing a tasty treat an enemy's way. His constant antics would be tolerated by some of the more gruff of the gang, but the small fry and higher ups tend to keep their distance.